Golf Genius
Registered members will be receiving regular emails from the Golf Genius system inviting you to sign up for RMC events and/or Tuesday League rounds. You will still be able to register in the Pro Shop as in the past.
Be sure to respond in a timely manner as most events now have a defined maximum number of players that can register. See the Tournaments - Schedule page "more info" links to see these limits.
Many of you have probably already discovered via the GG registration process, there are GG portals for both the RMC Events and the Tuesday League. These support Member Registration, Schedules, Event Registration, Tee Sheets and Results.
Recently signed up or new members who want to play in the Tuesday League and are not receiving GG invites, will need to go to the Tuesday League portal and register to be included.
RMC Event and Member Registration Portal:
If you signed up for your 2025 RMC Membership online, then you were here.
If you created an Email ID and Password when you registered, that is your GG logon.
If this is your first time you may be prompted to sign in using your email and entering a password that you want to use for the portal. If not, you should be able to click on the upper right menu gears icon and click sign in to create your account.
RMC Member Registration can be completed for non-registered new/returning members.
Home - Will show the Membership Registration link, the latest RMC News, and currently active event registrations.
Tournaments - Will show the RMC schedule, if registration is open and your registration status. If you’ve already registered via the GG Email, you can change your registration here until the registration window is closed. After that call the Pro Shop. Tee Sheets, Results and More Info links provide access to the event information that you need.
RMC Info - provides more detailed information about the club, events, local rules, handicapping and the rules of golf.
Activities - provides info on the Board of Directors, club activities, and more social activities.
RMC Tuesday League Portal: Click Here
If you received a GG Tue/Thu email for the April 2nd round, you are registered.
You will need to sign in with your RMC GG Email and Password (see above) to manage your round sign up or account.
Home - Has a description of the Tue/Thu league and a link to register for the league
Schedule, Tee Sheets and Results work as described for the RMC Event portal.
Get the Golf Genius App
The Golf Genius app is a handy quick connection to the RMC portals. It is a fast way to stay up on current event sign ups, tee times and results. On top of that, live scoring and live event standings will be added this year. Download the app and get started becoming familiar with its functions and how to use live scoring.
Basic GG App Install and User Instructions
Links to RMC Golf Genius Portals
RMC Events and Member Registration Portal
Both RMC Events and Tue/Thu League Portals
Live Scoring
Quick Live Scoring Instruction Video: Click Here
If and event includes live scoring, log onto the GG App with the GG ID provided on your scorecard, and you will have access to enter live scores for your group. One person does that. You will also have access to the Leaderboard if it is available for the event.
Each group is still required to turn in an official scorecard as they finish the event. The scorecard is your official score and will be used to verify the scores entered in the live scoring screens.